Um ferðina
This is the chance to climb one of the most stunning peaks in Iceland. Hraundrangi is one of the most iconic mountains in Iceland. It is located in Öxnadalur about 40 minutes south-west of Akureyri.
Hraundrangi stendur í 1075m.y.s. og var fyrst klifinn árið 1956. Fyrir það var dranginn talinn óklifanlegur.
Climbing this peak takes around 7-9 hours so we recommend that people are in good shape and are not scared of heights. We start the day in Akureyri and drive to the base of the mountain, the drive takes about 40minutes. When we are ready, we start the approach to the climb, this can take 2-3hours. When we get to the base our guide will go over how the climbing gear works and how the climb is going to be. This climb is 80meters and is done in 2 pitches. Hraundrangi is made from lava rocks, moss and grass so this is not your common sandstone, basalt or granite climb. The summit is narrow and hard to put more than one person on the top at a time, that make this on of the craziest summits in Iceland.
We abseiled back down the same route that we came up.
For those staying in Reykjavík: Hraundrangi is 5hour drive from Reykjavík so we recommend you stay the night before and after the climbing in Akureyri town. Akureyri is the capital of North Iceland and is located on a beautiful hill in the valley Eyjafjörður. There are many amazing expeditions to enjoy there so you won’t regret spending some time of your trip in Akureyri.
We can also personlize the tour to suit your needs. Give us a call or send us a mail for more info.
Lengd göngu og klifurs: 7-9 klukkustundir
Erfiðleikastig: 5/5
Lágmarksaldur: 16 ára
Fjöldi: Lágmark 2 í hóp – hámark 4 manns.
Tímabil: Allan ársins hring
Bílfar: Akureyri, leiðsögumaður hefur samband með frekari upplýsingar.
Mætingartími: 8:00
Við útvegum þér:
- Klifurbúnaður
- Hjálma
- Línur
- Klifurskó
- Klifurbelti
- Leiðsögumann
Þú þarft að taka með:
- Hlý föt
- Regnjakka
- Dún- eða primaloft jakka (gott í nestispásum)
- Gönguskó
- Húfu & hanska
- 20-30l bakpoka
- Mat & drykk fyrir gönguna
- Sólgleraugu
Hægt er að leigja suma af þessum hlutum hjá okkur.
Veðurfar á Íslandi
Það kemur flestum ekki á óvart að veður á Íslandi er mjög breytilegt. Ef veðurspáin er ekki góð fyrir áætlaðan toppadag færum við ferðina ef þið getið ekki farið á öðrum degi, endurgreiðum við ferðina.