Um ferðina
Iceland is a beautiful place to try out rock climbing, put on your climbing shoes chalk up and try it out for yourself. Rock climbing is a really good way of enjoying nature and trying something new.
We have some good multi pitch routes close to Reykjavík both sport and trad climbing, so you can have breakfast in the morning, go for a good climb and be back for pizza and beer around dinner time.
Starting at 8:30 in the morning we have about 30-40 minutes’ drive to our destination. The approach takes 20 to 40minutes, it depends on the location we choose. At the base of the rout our guide will go over the route and explain everything you want to know, so this is a good time if you have some questions to ask as you can.
The routes we offer are from 5.6 -.5.9 grade so we can do something that is suitable for you. Most of the climbs around Reykjavík are 2-4 pitches long.
The places we use are mt Esjan mountain 15 minutes from Reykjavík with some 2-3 pitches climbs. it’s not uncommon to do a couple of routes there in the day.
For info about Vestrahorn please contact us.
Stardalur trad climbing paradise endless options of routes mainly single pitch, but some short multi pitch. If you want to learn how to trad climb this is the place for you.
You can contact us and let us know if the trad climbing day is wat you are specifically looking for.
Lengd göngu og klifurs: 6-8 hours.
Gráða: 5.6 -.5.9
Erfiðleikastig: 3/5
Lágmarksaldur: 16 ára
Fjöldi: Lágmark 1 í hóp – hámark 2 manns
Tímabil: Vor - sumar - haust
Mætingarstaður: Leiðsögumaðurinn hefur samband um staðsetningu.
Mætingartími: 9:00
Við útvegum þér:
- Klifurbúnaður
- Hjálma
- Línur
- Klifurskó
- Klifurbelti
- Leiðsögumann
Þú þarft að taka með:
- Hlý föt
- Regnjakka
- Dún- eða primaloft jakka (gott í nestispásum)
- Gönguskó
- Húfu & hanska
- 20-30l bakpoka
- Mat & drykk fyrir gönguna
- Sólgleraugu
Hægt er að leigja suma af þessum hlutum hjá okkur.
Veðurfar á Íslandi
Það kemur flestum ekki á óvart að veður á Íslandi er mjög breytilegt. Ef veðurspáin er ekki góð fyrir áætlaðan toppadag færum við ferðina ef þið getið ekki farið á öðrum degi, endurgreiðum við ferðina.